- Handicaps will be decided by the Management Committee.
- Handicaps will be reviewed at the start and half way point of the season and adjustments will be based on the difference between your wins and losses.
- No Max/Min Handicap
- The maximum handicap that can by applied in any frame is 70, this is irrespective of whether the 2 players handicaps add up to more.
- A players handicap will change by the frame difference between wins and losses multiplied by 2. Example – if at the half way point of the season Jack has won 6 and lost 4 their difference is 2. If Jill had won 3 and lost 7 their difference would be -4. In the example above Jack’s handicap would go down by 4 and Jill’s would increase by 8.
- The above will happen automatically unless a players difference is greater than 5, in that case the committee will discuss that persons handicap and use frame scores and common sense to come up with a suitable adjustment. However it will be a maximum of + or – 10.
- Any unknown players joining the league will have his/her handicap set by his/her captain, the committee will monitor and adjust if felt necessary.